Fall in Flagstaff- 2016

What does this new & matured fall bring?

It’s gritty- in the outline of empty branches against a pale blue sky.

It’s sparkling- in the pastel washes of shimmering clouds on the sunset.

It’s dark & brooding- the cold, metal train tracks with a locomotive making its way around the hill of Flagstaff.

It’s bitter- in the various forms, drafts, soaks, beans, tastes of coffee. I’ve spent countless hours this semester with my darling Chase. Though our time together is waning, the everlasting effects of a shared love of coffee are not.

It’s colourful- in the gorgeous hues of trees, leaves on the ground, crumbling and crusty.

It’s vibrant- in the reflective surface of the sidewalk across campus, which is comfortably settled amongst high trees, pastel roofs, steaming chimneys and black shadows of small college students crossing campus.

We’ve from October to November- it is that sacred time of year again where I can indulge safely in scarves, neutral socks and blankets. Pumpkin spice is our candle flavor of choice — and I’ve spent a good amount of time cooking in the kitchen. 14589950_1786020965003605_3768575808778612426_o

Looking in wonder at my future. Will I leave Flagstaff? Most likely; the decisions I have to make are piling on my plate. But nothing is going to stop me from enjoying everything so immensely.

Like his beating heart [I won’t say his name]. The blonde hairs of his forearm.

The earthy, ridiculous nature of her laugh. Her dyed hair, and how she squeezes my arm, rubs my knees so they bruise!

Not looking forward to the December days where I lay plastered to my bed because I’ve gotten my knee cut open, refurbished, re-bound.

From the looks of things, I am one of 100,000 people in Northern Arizona. Do I feel special? Maybe a little. Because I’d like to think that I’ve been given the gift of looking so deeply at everything and therefore, appreciating it for all that it is.

I looked through all my emails and found notifications about this blog. I clicked on and discovered myself a little bit. I’m just spilling all the things I’ve been meaning to say. A blog won’t save me, but I can save me. 14753275_1786023101670058_6338048465197288415_o

I’ll thank a good friend of mine, Lyn, for taking senior photos of me which I believe capture who I am so fundamentally and gorgeously.

She’s got an eye for angles. Given what we worked with, I came out with over 40 beautiful & meaningful shots.

Thank you, Northern Arizona University, for the simple and careful preservation of your north quad building. Light yellow leaves in these pictures make me a smile.


And anyway-

though stress is round about me like a fire, I feel alright- since I get to wake up to this beautiful town every day.

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